K2MFF maintains an FM repeater which serves a large portion of northern NJ, the Hudson valley, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Long Island:

Repeater Information
- FREQUENCY: 147.225 MHz
- OFFSET: +0.600 MHz
- PL: 141.3
- ECHOLINK: K2MFF-R #807982
Repeater Acceptable Use Policy
- Emergency use of this repeater always takes precedence.
- Nets takes precedence before normal conversations but has a lower precedence over emergencies.
- Always identify yourself at least every ten (10) minutes and at the end of your transmission.
- Do not engage in political soap boxing, views on controversial matters, or anything that might hurt someone’s feelings.
- This repeater is family-friendly. Try to avoid adult subjects and limit accidental slips of language.
- If you notice jamming or interfering DO NOT acknowledge. Contact K2MFF and/or trustee via email to inform them of what is happening with a time stamp and nature of interference. If possible, record the interference in-order to help us conduct our investigation and assist the FCC.